Cranberry tea

Cranberries (American cranberries – latin: Vaccinum macrocarpon) are dark red, acidic berries, which positively affect the gastrointestinal tract, oral health, prevent the formation of kidney stones, reduce bad (low-density lipoprotein) and raise good (high density lipoprotein) blood cholesterol, help the recovery period after various infectious and cardiovascular diseases, as well as reduce the risk of various cancers.
Cranberries are the most popular prevention and treatment of urinary tract problems. Cranberries contain proanthocyanidin - a substance with an antibacterial effect that prevents bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract walls.
Cranberry tea has a pleasant taste. It contains C, B vitamins, various trace elements, which are useful in cases of cold: cough and runny nose, headache, fever. This tea is also a complex of various vitamins, which strengthens us. This tea is especially tasty when used with honey.
The concentration of substances with antioxidant properties that are found in cranberries is bigger than in the other fruits or vegetables when used daily. Antioxidants are substances that can destroy the active free radical molecules in the body metabolism.
Linda Griin offers 4 types of cranberry tea blends: with chamomile, yarrow, peppermint and applemint.