Ingredients: dried cranberries (58%), dried yarrow (42%)

The cranberry tea with yarrow helps particularly in such cases as treating kidney and ureters, stomach and gynecological problems. It could be also used for stopping uterus and hemorrhoids bleeding. Biological active substances in yarrow stimulates appetite and secretation of digestive juices, prevents accumulating of spasms and gases in gut, lowers temperature and arterial blood pressure, tightens the muscles of uterus, stops bleeding, advances blood clotting without threats of forming thrombus. Moreover, the cranberry tea with yarrow advances wound healing, it also has anti-inflammatory, bactericide and anti-allergic impact. Yarrows also influence bone marrow, advance hematogeny, and thereby help to heal hardly curable lung and other diseases. Therapeutical qualities of cranberries and yarrows supplement each other, giving us the best in the process of body securing. Particularly reccomendable in spring body purification!


70g and 60g

Cranberries & Yarrow