Sastāvs: kaltēta raudene
Oregano (Latin: Origanum vulgare L) is a perennial crop and in Latvia it is found in the wild. Since Oregano has a very wide range of use, it is cultivated. It is both, a medicinal herb and seasoning. Oregano tea is taken internally as an expectorant and diaphoretic, also, as an appetite enhancer, because it promotes bile secretion and peristalsis.Oregano is composed of substances which have powerful antioxidant qualities, thus oregano can protect cells from the adverse effects of the environment, and it delays the aging process. Oregano tea is used for a variety of inflammatory diseases – mouthwash, in cases of gum inflammation, for oral candidiasis treatment. Oregano is not recommended to use during pregnancy until 34th week as it stimulates the uterine muscles. |
25g Oregano tea |