Ingredients: dried sea buckthorn leaves
Sea buckthorn (Latin: Hippophae rhamnoides L) plant belongs to oleaster family. Sea buckthorn is composed of various chemical. It is considered one of the most important naturally existing plants, which contains many different bioactive substances and the necessary vitamins for human body restoration that boosts immunity. There are many positive effects, attributed to buckthorn leaves: the astringent, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, skin renewal, wound and ulcer healing. This tea naturally restores your energy and your natural fight to infections and viruses. It improves the health of internal organs. Sea buckthorn helps in cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The sea buckthorn leaves, peel and berries contain serotonin that helps to break excitement, promoting normal nerve impulse transmission. It also helps against tumours. By drinking Sea Buckthorn tea you will improve your body's ability to resist various diseases.

Sea buckthorn leaf tea